What is the U.S. doing about Global Warming?

Since the U.S. used to be known as the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (before China took the lead), the U.S. government has taken some steps in global warming control.

Here are a few things that have happened:
  • Hybrid car technology has been endorsed
  • Support the development of alternative energy
  • Actively producing bills that will require Detroit to make cars with better gas mileage
  • The Supreme Court voted to give the federal government the power to regulate vehicles' carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act
  • California plans to plant over 11 million trees over the next two decades
  • They have created many partnership programs that focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy, methane and other non-carbon dioxide (non-CO2) gases, agricultural practices and implementation of technologies to achieve greenhouse gas reductions
  • The EPA is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Engaged in international climate change activities in areas such as science, mitigation, and environmental monitoring
The U.S. is heavily involved in many programs that focus on the reduction of greenhouse gases. As President Obama stated in his State of the Union address, he plans to find ways to find new sources of energy that are renewable. A main issue that faces the government is how to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, that happen to be polluting the Earth.