Some present effects:
- The global average sea level has increased
- Ocean heat content has increased
- Snow cover and ice extent has decreased
- Birds are laying their eggs earlier
- Plants are flowering earlier
- Some mammals are coming out of hibernation earlier
- Some species have moved farther north
- Precipitation has increased globally
Some potential future effects:
- Some of the ice cover will melt in Greenland and Antarctica which will cause a rise in sea level
- Plants and animals will probably not be able to adapt to this change as quickly as would be needed
- Also, the rising sea level could pollute freshwater with salt water
- Reservoirs could dry up
- There will be more heat-related illnesses and the malaria mosquito would be able to travel to places that are currently too cold for it to survive
- There will be more extreme whether, such as storms, floods, and droughts
- Species that rely on one another may fall out of sync
- Ecosystems will change

1 comment:
I am a strong believer in global warming. I think it should be one of the top things congress should talk about every year. Seeing these poor animals loose their natural habbitats due to our hands is crazy. We need to spread awareness around the worl and let people know how we can change life on our plant for the better. It is complete understandable how long it would take us to reverse what we have done, but it is worth seeing a greener and much healthier planet in the end.
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